30 Hilarious Comics By 'Barmy Chip Witch' About Everyday Couple Life

Barmy Chip Witch offers a slice of true-life stories that features both her boyfriend and their cat. The artist from the United Kingdom started drawing as long as she could remember but launched into hilarious autobiographical comics in journals about ten years ago. Aside from whatever silly and funny things happen to her, what inspires her the most are those little everyday moments in life that can’t be forgotten that easily.

Excitingly, the artist and her BF are now making themed stickers sheet that features themes inspired by Boyfriend’s love of mushrooms and self-care, which will also be shown in some of her comics soonest. In the meantime, we’ve compiled her newest for your perusal. They’re guaranteed to make you laugh-out-loud, especially as you will come across her kitten, who makes an occasional entrance to make certain situations even funnier. Have a look, and enjoy!

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