Taiwanese Artist's 30 Horror Comics With Unexpectedly Creepy Endings

The spooky season demands spooky stories. One particular artist who loves horror will be the perfect person to follow this week. Ben Chen, from Taiwan, always surprises people with his dark humor and just plain creepy, weird endings he gives to his comics. But there couldn't be a perfect bizarre list to enjoy than his comics.

We now invite you to scroll on and enjoy his stories. Ben Chen shares his creepy creations on Flickr with his 4.5k followers. If you love these, definitely give him a follow there!

More info: Flickr | threadless.com


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via


Ben Chen -Via