It’s the little details that make the world of relationships flourish. Indeed, the importance of these details, including the ability to fight through love's ups and downs, is perfectly captured in Barmy Chip Witch's comics. Uk Artist Barmy Chip Witch continuously shows that it takes two people's effort to make a thing work effectively. Illustrating her daily life with her Latvian boyfriend, Barmy Chip Witch’s artworks are hilarious and downright relatable.
Being in love and living with that same person can prove that life is never a boring place as there will always be something to talk about, something funny to laugh-out-loud at, and significantly, something new to learn from one another. Artist Barmy Chip Witch had interestingly met with her BF via a dating app, and since then, the duo has been breaking the ice by creating jokes about dating, using themselves as subject matter. So from psychological issues to things that transpire in the kitchen, these comics preaches that appreciation lies in the simplest stuff. We’ve compiled the artist’s latest, and they’re inspiring yet inevitable hilarious. You will smile all through!
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