People Are Praising '1917' As The Next Best War Movie After 'Saving Private Ryan'

World War I theme has always captured the attention of many with the intensity of warfare, psychological impact and obviously, its worldwide impact on everyone's life. But so far, Saving Private Ryan has been the ultimate benchmark when it comes to a good movie that touches on the theme.

That was until '1917' arrived for some people. The movie was quickly hailed as a masterpiece by many.

Editor-in-Chief and Owner of Clayton Davis has already nominated '1917' as the best movie after 'Saving Private Ryan'.

'1917' was directed by Sam Mendes and focuses on two soldiers who had to rush to Schofield's brother's battalion before the morning attack is launched. If they can't make it, there will be a massacre as it's a trap.

Check out the full trailer below!

George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman are the protagonists of this movie.

Universal Pictures

The movie is set in Northern France and the two British soldiers 'race against time' to reach the British battalion of 1,600 men to warn them against a trap.

Aside from MacKay and Chapman, the movie has also cast Mark Strong , Andrew Scott, Richard Madden and Benedict Cumberbatch. This lineup of strong cast with Mendes' positive track record have raised the hype and people were rightly hyped up for the movie.

Universal Pictures

Reviewers are calling this Mendes' work on 1917 to be 'amazingly audacious film' which is both amazing and disturbing. Another praises cinematographer Roger Deakins from Blade Runner 2049 for creating such a stunning and immersive world.

Universal Pictures

Another praises that everything about this movie is amazing, calling it a 'video game movie not based on a video game' as well as 'an ironic inversion of The Lord of the Rings'.

The US will be able to enjoy watching this at the theater this Christmas, but the worldwide release will only happen on 10 January 2020.

Checkout the official behind the scenes featurette below