am a known professional illustrator who has a strong affection for human,
social and political issues. With over 10 years of experience collaborating with
several publications and companies in about 4 continents, I decided to select
my best works in order to show the world some of the afflicting problems.
creating my illustration, I use a mixed media – meaning I draw and ink the
drawing with my hand and then color them using a tablet. It takes 1 to 3 days
for each one to complete, although it depends on the complexity.
significant issues I, however, want to address include: ‘How the human relationship
is changing due to technological advancement? ‘What are the ideas that free and
restrain us (humans)’ and ‘We plan on saving the world, but how dependent are
we on other people’s slave work?’
More info: danielgarciaart.com | Instagram
#1 Clean The Planet

#2 Gender Gap

#3 Your Own Personal Slaves

#4 Amazon Is Burning

#5 Health Is A Business

#6 Relationships

#7 Walking Together

#8 Poverty

#9 Pro Life

#10 Overwork

#11 Clean The Planet

#12 Plastic Islands

#13 A Successful Man

#14 War & Business

#15 Crushing Creativity

#16 Trump's Wall

#17 I Own The Water

#18 Politicians

#19 You You You

#20 Online Privacy

#21 Facebook Spies

#22 The Virus

#23 Fake News

#24 Artificial Intelligence President

#25 Divorce

#26 Immigrants

#27 Fashion

#28 Facebook Death

#29 Freedom

#30 Ego