10 Hilarious Steps To Give Your Cat Pills That Involve Blankets And Medieval Steel Armor

Every cat owner knows and understands the problem of making cats have their pills.

It is wild.

There is no cat in this world that seems to understand that these pills are only meant to help them feel better. It'll save their lives, it'll alleviate their pain, let them have nice food again, but NOPE. They'd rather claw, scramble and hiss whenever they hear that pill bottle pops. Not even the same human that has been feeding them for over 5 years can be allowed to shove that terrible thing into their mouth.

Nick Filippou, the artist behind 'i iz cat' Instagram account, posted a hilarious set of comics for 'How to Give a Cat Pill'. It includes a complete set of armor and a crossbow. Honestly, this can't be counted for taking it too far unless you love having scratches all over your hands and face.

More info: iizcat.com | Instagram | Facebook

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