Crocs-Inspired Handbags Are A Thing And People Want Explanations

Do you also love wearing Crocs? And the thing about Crocs is that people have quite definitive feelings about them, it's either totally loved or absolutely hated. But one thing we know for sure that it's not fashionable. So it is almost amazing that Optari created a completely separate product inspired by them and introduced the Croc bag. The croc bags are completely lightweight and durable and come with several features that closely resemble the shoe. It can be easily customized and make you really stand out from the crowd.

“Sol Totes are large enough to hold many great gifts and will stand out among all the ordinary baskets,” they wrote on their website. “Then the recipient will have a bag that they can use all year long! Another great benefit is that the totes hold paint very well, which allows them to be personalized with a name or a unique design.”

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